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Fall Season— Half Share

Fall Season— Half Share

  • 4 bi-weekly pickups of late-summer & fall crops
  • Includes a limited supply of pick-your-own herbs and flowers
  • Not eligible for add-ons (egg share, pickup insurance, partner fee)
  • Runs September—October
  • CSA Agreement

    The CSA model of farming is based upon the agreement of shared risk between grower and CSA member. While we guarantee to do everything in our power to facilitate a bountiful season, we cannot guarantee the actual bounty. By joining the Restoration Farm CSA, you indicate that you understand and accept the risk involved.

  • Contract Status

    Please note that our contract with Nassau County expired on 12-31-24. We already submitted a bid to continue operating, but the County has not made an announcement yet. So this year, in addition to accepting the risk that pests and weather could reduce crop yields, CSA members must also accept the risk that we could get evicted at any moment. If that happens, we will issue pro-rated refunds.

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