We're Hiring!
We're seeking summer interns and a machine operator to join our team for the 2025 season.
Summer Intern (full time or part time)
The summer apprentices will assist with all aspects of field work—planting, weeding, mulching, harvesting, and post-harvest handling. Previous experience with gardening, landscaping, or farming is preferred. We seek apprentices who already know they love doing physical, outdoor work and are curious to learn all aspects of vegetable farming.​
late-May — late-August (16 weeks)
days/hours TBD
Job Requirements
Must be able to lift 50 lbs.
Must be willing to work in all weathers
Must be able to follow direction
Must be able to maintain a fast work pace
Must be able to maintain focus
$16–$18/hour, depending on experience
A personal supply of farm produce

To Apply
Email a resumé and 2 references to caroline@restorationfarm.com
Machine Operator (full-time or part-time)
We are seeking someone to help operate and maintain our fleet of 5 tractors and small engine machines. In a part-time capacity, this person will focus on bed prep, cultivation, mowing, and groundskeeping. Full-time work will include machine operation plus planting, mulching, weeding, harvesting, and post-harvest handling.
April — October
days/hours TBD
Required Experience
5+ years vegetable farming, landscaping, or groundskeeping
2+ years equipment maintenance
Job Requirements
Must be able to lift 50 lbs.
Must be willing to work in all weathers
Must be able to work both collaboratively and independently
Must maintain schedule flexibility, to ensure important jobs are completed around inclement weather

$18–$24/hour, depending on experience
5 paid vacation days after 14 weeks on the job (F/T)
A personal supply of farm produce
To Apply
Email a resumé and 3 references to caroline@restorationfarm.com
A positive attitude
Appropriate clothing
Respect for all food, tools, equipment, & facilities
Responsibility for all aspects of a project, including cleanup at end
Commitment to efficiency and speed
Commitment to asking for, and offering, help when appropriate
Commitment to accepting and responding to constructive criticism
Respect for each crew members’ unique identities and contributions
No tolerance for harassment or discrimination of any kind
Respect for the land
Shared Standards for ALL Crew Members