Fundraiser for Deer Fence at Restoration Farm
Thanks to Everyone Who Donated!
The 2023 growing season was hugely successful, thanks to a fence that was 100% effective. Deer often watched us from the outside, but they never got in.
What a change from 2022!
We are deeply touched by the generosity of the more than 250 people who donated—many of whom donated more than once. It takes a village to run a community farm, and this fence is a testament to the strength of the Restoration Farm community. We wouldn't be here without you, and we are grateful and honored to be your farmers.
All the best,
Caroline & Dan

Why a Fence?
By the summer of 2022, the deer population at the Old Bethpage Village Restoration had put our farm in serious jeopardy. We resorted to temporary fencing to protect certain crops, but we also knew that without a permanent solution, our operation—and farming in general—could not continue at OBVR.
What Type of Fence?
An 8.5’ hi-tensile game fence with round, wooden posts
Around the main growing fields
Spring 2023
Who Installed the Fence?
Impact on the Old Bethpage Village Restoration & Landscape?
The fence includes six unlocked gates to facilitate the flow of people and vehicles through the OBVR park. The wooden posts and black wire blend with the landscape and are barely visible from a distance.
Cost of Fence
Whoa, that’s a lot of money! Couldn't you find someone cheaper? Or do it yourself?
If we owned the land, we would have, but given our commitment to preserving OBVR’s 19th century ambiance, and the need for a quality product that will stand the test of time, contracting with a professional company was in our best interest. Going on the recommendation of the Suffolk County Soil and Water Conservation District, we got estimates from the top two installers on Long Island. Their project descriptions were nearly identical in materials and labor, so we went with the lower bid.
Cost of Field Swap
(see March 13 update)
New blackberry plants and posts
Diesel fuel
Cover crop seed
Contract purchase of winter squash (TBD)
Hunting as an Alternative
Hunting was our initial preference, as it addresses the root of the problem; fencing, on the other hand, merely diverts the problem elsewhere. Recreational hunting is illegal in Nassau County, but nuisance hunting with a D.E.C. permit is not; in fact, it’s already being done in the Village of Old Westbury and at the Planting Fields Arboretum in Oyster Bay. But permission must also be granted by the landowner, Nassau County in our case. With the County very unlikely to grant permission, and with time running out, we gave up on the hunting option and went with the fence.

Fundraising Goal: $50,000
Total raised as of Jan. 1, 2024
(personal checks + GoFundMe) $46,425
Thank You to Our Donors
Sue Abbott-Jones
John Accetta
Bernice & Jimmy Acevedo
Sharon Adams
The Agricultural Society
of Queens, Nassau,
& Suffolk Counties
Glenn Aldridge
Pat Amendolare
Maria Antonopoulos
Cristina Arroyo
Ian August
Jackie & Bobbi Baker
Robin Baren
Kathleen Barnosky
Ting Barrow
Becky Beaver
Margaret Benjamin
Jim Bentson
Alena Berenblatt
Mary Berry
Joseph & Sharon Biasi
Jerry Black
Phyllis and Marty Blum
Jacqueline Boccio
Bill Boecker
Faye Bottone
Clea Bowdery
James Brady
Deborah Brant-Deitch
Bren-Tronics, Inc.
Moriah Britt
Carol Burnett
Carly Bushman
Kelly Cahill
Melissa Caltabiano
Susan Campbell
Sue Carollo
Cheryl Cashin
Maria-Elena Castagna
Gail & John Cavallo
Diana Cecchini
Mirnova Ceide
Marie Chanice
Helen Christodoulou
Dylan Clark
Bryan & Ann Marie Coakley
Brian Cohen
Robert Cohen
Daniel Colacurcio
Toni-Ann Collins
Richard Comitz
Lynn Connolly
Kimberly Cooley
Celeste & Doug Crockett
Hope Casey Crucilla
Cub Scouts Pack 57
Roger Dahlmann
Douglas D'Arrigo
Joshua & Tara Daub
Natalia de Cuba
Craig Demling
Lynn DiAndrea
Regina & Paul Dlugokencky
Stacey Dores
Bill Duerr
Tony Dulgerian
Sabrina Falcone
Lizzie Fanning
Geri Farmer-Morrison
Thomas Farre
Deborah Feehan
Frances Felske
Sara Fins
John Fleming
Greg Flynn
Larry & Heather Foglia
Maureen Ford
Roe Freeman
Jess & Karl Freitag
Jerry & Lynette Frey
Kevin Frodell
Kathy Gaffney
Nancy Galgano
Anita Gallo
Patti and Lauren Gallo
Sandra Garay
Arline & George Garbarini
Judi Gardner
Alison Gencarelli
Johanne Georgalas
Abby Gerstein
Andrea & Mike Goldman
Robin Gozinsky
Ellen Gravina
Bethany Green-Campbell
Jessica Gregoretti
Dave & Haylee Grote
Vicki Gruber
Susan Guida
Cari Gusman
Fred & Janet Hagemann
Felicia Haran
Jenna Hassel
Fran Hershkowitz
Susan Hirschstein
Ann & Frank Holdgruen
Steve Huber
Lori Innella-Venne
Karen Isaac
Sharon Jacobs
Robert Jacoby
Lisa Jahrsdoerfer
Bhavani Jaroff
Tee Jessop
Anne Johnson
Evelina Kahn
Herman Karakaya
Stacey Katz
Christine Keller
Katie Kelly
Jen Kemnitzer
Iskra Killgore
Esther Klein
Karen Klose
Sandra Krebelj-Douglas
Mary Kwok
Marc Lavietes
Elana & Dave Lebolt
Jesse Lebolt
Molly Lebolt
Kate Levine
Tina Linsalata
Lisa LoFaro
Roseanne LoFaso
Long Island Fig Network
Bill Lopez
Dvorah & David Lumerman
Donna Lupia
Francis Magaldi
Steve Malczewski
Donna Maxant
Carol McBride
Marijane McNamee
Grace Mehl
Jessica Mileo-Mancuso
Paulette Miller
Tom Mineo
John & Jane Moore
Scarlett Morrongiello
Cara Morsello
Gina Murphy
Jay Mussman
JoAnna Nicholson
Allison Nunez
Marcia Olsen
James Orlandi
Michael Ortega-Napoli
Ralph Ottaiano
Gloria Panella
Daniel Pess
Amy Peters
Sean Pilger
Emilie Pembroke
Elisabeth Ploran
Jacqueline Polden
Tony & Laura Policano
Caroline Poplawski
Vicki Puccio
Jay Rhodes
Catherine Rode
Laura & James Romano
Jim & Suzanne Ryan
Lucia Sabbagh
Susan Salem
Dawn San Filippo
Michelle Sangüeza
Jennifer Santo
Michael Scagluso
John Schafer
Nancy Schechner
Sheila Schroeder
Jesse Schwabinger
Tom Sena
Bridget Siegel
Neil & Roberta Simon
Donna Sinetar
Fran Skolnick
Carolyn Slanetz-Chiu
Troy Smit
Jean Smyth-Crocetto
Jonathan Sorscher
Diane Stark
Lesly & Lenny Steinman
Nelson Sterner
Susan Stewart
Judy Stratton
Dolores Sullivan
Cindi Swernofsky
Dorota Sztabinski
Jane Tabone
Joseph Tait
Catherine Taylor
Anthony Terranova
Christine Torres
Larry Toyas
Mary Trester
Terri Troici
Linda Troncoso
Maria Venezia
Jen & Yvette Wang
Carol Wilkinson
Laura Williams
Kathy & Tim Williams-Ging
Matt Wilson
Susan Wisner
Rosalie Yelen
Raymond & Marian Ziminski

A Note from the Farmers,
January 2023
As business owners, we take pride in covering all of our costs through vegetable sales, and in demonstrating that small-scale farming can be financially viable. That said, we're fundraising for this project because it will be a capital improvement to land we don’t—and never will—own. In fact, our contract clearly states the fence will become the property of Nassau County. But the fence won’t increase our sales or profit margins; it will simply preserve the business we’ve built, so we can continue farming. That said, the fence will enhance the farm’s ability to attract future farmers. In other words, the fence isn’t just an emergency measure for now—it’s an investment in the farm’s long-term future, too.
We believe our partnership with the government and citizens of Nassau County is a success story. For 16 years, we’ve grown food for thousands of Long Islanders without taking on debt. Not only that, we’ve nurtured a community deeply connected to this beautiful piece of land. The public-private partnership that undergirds Restoration Farm is powered by many people and benefits many people. That's why we welcome the support of those who want the farm to continue, both this season and many seasons into the future.
Thanks for your consideration.
Caroline & Dan
Project Update—Field Swap
March 13, 2023
In February, leadership at the Old Bethpage Village Restoration asked if we could exclude Pond Field (aka the Berry Field) from the project, due to concern that the pastoral view of their southern crossroads would be ruined. In a meeting with Nassau County officials, we agreed to trade Pond Field for a similar-sized parcel directly to the south. This swap consolidates our fields away from the OBVR historical buildings, so that fencing, tractors, and other modern operations are less of an intrusion on the park’s 19th century theme. The swap also it shortens the length of fence by 600’, reducing the overall cost by $7,000.
But the swap also presents some challenges and costs. For one, we have 400 feet of healthy blackberry plants in Old Pond Field, and we can’t take them with us. Work has begun on preparing a new blackberry site, and new plants have been ordered, but it’ll be another 2-3 years before these plants come into production. And in addition to new plants, we’ll also need new locust posts, as blackberries require permanent trellising. Between the plants and the posts, we’re looking at a price tag of $2,000–$3,000 in materials alone.
Second, it’s too late for us to completely abandon our 2023 plans for Old Pond Field—garlic, winter squash, and, of course, blackberries. The county has agreed to let us harvest the garlic we planted last fall, and CSA members can pick blackberries for one more season, but we are not permitted to plant anything new. This leaves us in the lurch with regards to spaghetti, delicata, and kabocha squash, which we’d planned on planting in that field. Since we’re already operating at full capacity, we don’t have an empty field we can just switch these squash over to. We haven’t figured a solution this conundrum yet, but it’s on the to-do list.
Finally, New Pond Field won’t be ready for cash crops for another 1-2 years. Currently a cow pasture covered in thick sod and multi-flora rose, the field will require months of tractor work—and a lot of diesel fuel—before we can get a preliminary cover crop seeded. All of which takes time, money, and extra wear and tear on the tractors.
But despite these challenges, we still believe the field swap is for the greater good. For the past sixteen years, we’ve stayed on good terms with our OBVR neighbors by minding our own business and by minimizing our impact on the landscape. We knew this project would be a hard pill to swallow, so if swapping fields makes the pill go down easier, so be it.